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  • 05/25/2022 9:58 AM | Anonymous

    It will be held at the Ernest Brew works on 4342 S Detroit Ave in Toledo Oh.


    Update to 3 main groups/priorities

  • 05/24/2022 5:52 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    What? It’s Windsday Night again? Wow, did that week go fast! Although the weather looks a little sketchy (possible thunderstorms by 8:00, and 8-10 mph southeast winds) I think we’re going to get one in tomorrow. Edgar, Kelly and I will be waiting to see you in the parking lot at Timberstone JHS, 9000 Sylvania Ave, to leave at 6:30 for points west. Edgar will lead our A group (21+), I’ll lead the B/C group (18ish) and Kelly will take our D group out (15-16). 

    This is the final week that I agreed to lead, so we are definitely going to need a leader for the B/C group . Please let Edgar orI know it you are interested in helping to keep the ride running. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at Timberstone.

  • 05/24/2022 9:04 AM | Douglass Kilpatrick (Administrator)

    On Monday May 30th we will be departing from Sidecut Metropark (river side) at 8AM for a 100K (62 miles) bicycle ride.  We will find our way along the Maumee river to Napoleon Ohio for a stop at the Veterans Memorial (sorry, no parade again this year).  There will be 2 groups, a 20 mph group and a 17 mph group and potentially a slower group if need be. 

    Lastly this year we will be taking donations for HOOVES. Its is a organization dedicated to helping our veterans overcome mental health issues thru equine and bicycle therapy.

    Check out the HOOVES webpage and learn more about how you can help at https://www.hooves.us/

  • 05/24/2022 8:58 AM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

    Mighty Cyclists, 

    Another Thursday ride fast approaches and the anticipation is already building.  

    The weather looks "iffy" at this point.  I'll keep an eye on the sky and the radar and make the call by 5pm.  My gut tells me that we will ride and stay dry.  I am counting on Ohio weather changing by the hour to our advantage. 

    Don't forget that you can register on line!  The link and instructions are below.  So, do yourselves a favor and avoid the clipboard. 

    Rides, average speeds and ride leaders: 

    Group 1 (Hot1) - Avg: 20-23 mph, 26 mi:    Phil Carroll

    Group 2 (Hot2) - Avg: Less hot than Hot1 26 mi:   Tim Eckel

    Group 3 (Xtra Spicy) - Avg: 19-21 mph, 26 mi:  Doug Kilpatrick

    Group 4 (Spicy Plus) - Avg: 18-19.5 mph, 26 mi:  Eric Dowell

    Group 5 (Spicy) - Avg: 16-18 mph, 24 mi:  Jodie Petcoff

    Group 6 (GLR) - Avg: 14-16 mph, 20 mi:  John Galdeen


    For your convenience, on line registration for our Thursday rides will now be available.  Follow this link: 


    For each ride scheduled, registration will open 4 days prior to the ride and will close at 2:30pm on the day of the ride.  This will give me time to download the data and print hard copies to bring to the park.  The process is fairly seamless.  Click on the date of the ride and our event will pop up next to the calendar.  Click on the "Register" button, follow the directions and prompts and you will be registered!  

    Since 5/26 will be our first time using this, I will take any feedback about the process. 

    • Text: 419-376-8347 (Please identify yourself so I can add you to my contacts)
    • Email: jpeltier823@gmail.com




    Joe "El Capitan" Peltier

  • 05/23/2022 10:11 PM | Jenifer Wiles (Administrator)

    Tuesday May 24th the TAB Old 24 Ride will depart CycleWerks in Whitehouse at 6:30 pm. We will ride 28.5 miles with an average between 19-21 mph. Weather looks good with temps on the cooler side and wind ENE at 9 mph.

  • 05/23/2022 6:19 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday May 24th

          The Speedtrap Ride, the best Tuesday night ride out of Ottawa County, is a joint venture of the Toledo Area Bicyclists(TAB) and the Flatlanders Bicycle Club. It’s a great ride to meet riders from another club and to learn about their club.

               The Speedtrap Ride will once again roll out tomorrow, Tuesday, May 24th, at 6:30 pm from Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore, Ohio.  The weather looks to be favorable: no rain and temperatures in the upper 60s. There will, however, be an ENE wind making a slight headwind on the return ride to Elmore.

              Scott Lang will lead the Ghost Pepper Riders. If you ride in his group, expect to average 22+ mph. Are you up to the challenge?

              Bob Kayden will lead the Cayenne Pepper Riders at a slightly slower pace: 21+ mph

              Doug Kilpatrick will take out the Habanero Riders at still a slightly slower pace 20+ mph. Still a fast-paced ride!

              Todd Pollock will lead the Jalapeno Riders at 16 – 18 mph.

              I will ride out with anyone who would like to ride at a more casual pace, Last week we averaged 15.1 mph, 2 mph faster than last week. What will this week bring. Group riding averages seem to be going up already, and it’s only going to be the third ride of the official season!

              So come on out to Elmore for something different. Ride some quiet country roads with very light vehicular traffic. After the ride, riders may gather in front of the bike shop for drink and good conversation. Sign-in begins at 6:00 in front of the bike shop. I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder

    Pictured is Jalapeno Leader Todd Pollock as he appeared October 15, 2019

  • 05/23/2022 9:13 AM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

    68 riders signed in on a beautiful Thursday evening.  It sure seemed like there were more. 

    No flats or mechanicals reported.  Xtra Spicy got, I'll call it "buzzed" by an electric motorcycle at a very high rate of speed.  Just another small reminder to keep our heads on a swivel (alert) and to stay on the right side of the yellow lines.  

    Reported Results: 

    Hot 1:  24.0

    Hot 2: 22.1

    Extra Spicy: 20.5

    Spicy Plus: 18.2

    Spicy: 16.7

    GLR: 13.3 

    For your convenience, on line registration for our Thursday rides will now be available.  Follow this link: 


    For each ride scheduled, registration will open 4 days prior to the ride and will close at 2:30pm on the day of the ride.  This will give me time to download the data and print hard copies to bring to the park.  The process is fairly seamless.  Click on the date of the ride and our event will pop up next to the calendar.  Click on the "Register" button, follow the directions and prompts and you will be registered!  

    Since 5/26 will be our first time using this, I will take any feedback about the process. 

    • Text: 419-376-8347 (Please identify yourself so I can add you to my contacts)
    • Email: jpeltier823@gmail.com 


    Joe "El Capitan" Peltier

  • 05/22/2022 10:26 PM | Kenneth Shaw (Administrator)

    63 degrees and partly cloudy and windy as usual. It was just me tonight to get some wind work in while averaging 16.2 mph rolling.

    The wind turbines were silent tonight. Mild temps so no air conditioning created a need for extra power.

    It was a steady 13 mph west wind but rode more like a northwest wind. I really appreciated the sun coming out because it got chilly at the end and it made for a beautiful evening.

  • 05/21/2022 8:01 PM | Ronnie Wells

    TAB Whitehouse ride leaves across from Cycle Werks at 6:30. There will be 3 groups 20+, 18-20 and 15 mph. Hope to see you there.

  • 05/20/2022 6:57 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday May 17th recap

              This past Tuesday, May 17th, saw thirty-seven cyclists come to Elmore for the Speedtrap Ride. The weather was favorable, with only light winds and a temperature of 70 degrees.

              Scott Lang led the Ghost Pepper Riders and reported a 22.7 mph average

              Bob Kayden reported 21.6 mph for his Cayenne Pepper Riders.

              The Habanero riders rode to a 20.5 mph average as reported by Doug Metzger

              The Jalapeno Riders, led by Todd Pollock, rode to a 16.6 mph average as reported by Kenneth Shaw.

              Four other Sweet Pepper Riders and I rode out, and picked up a sixth rider along the way. Claude Watkins from the group reported 15.1 mph, about 2 mph faster than last week.

               Most of the groups’ average were up from last week!

    Pictured is regular Speedtrap Rider Candy Langoria, as he appeared June 18, 2019.

              The next chapter of the Speedtrap Ride will take place this coming Tuesday, May 24th. The weather looks to be favorable with a temperature in the low 70s, and no precipitation. There will, however, be an easterly wind of 10 mph, making a slight headwind for the return trip to Elmore.

              Sign-in for the Speedtrap Ride begins at 6:00 in front of the bike shop, and we roll out at 6:30 pm. I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder


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