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  • 10/14/2022 1:11 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday October 11th recap

              Eighteen cyclists came to Elmore Tuesday evening  and rode an unofficial Speedtrap Ride. It waa relatively warm, with a temperature near 70, but skies were cloudy and gloomy, and most riders reported a strong wind on much of the ride.

              .Jacob Morrison, substituting for Scott Lang, led four Ghost Pepper Riders and reported an average of 23.2 mph

              Bob Kayden led seven Cayenne Pepper Riders and reported a riding average of 21.7 mph

              There was no official leader for the Habanero/Jalapeno Riders, but Todd Pollock indicated 19.8 mph.

              Ron Purk and Candy Langoria left early but reported a 16 mph average.

              Tim Dillon rode his first Speedtrap Ride Tuesday evening. Tim was visiting family in Perrysburg. He hails from another state, but said he is a now an official TAB member. Tim said he liked how the ride was organized and how riders all rode cooperating with each other. Tim is pictured. Welcome Tim!

              Also pictured is yours truly wearing the kitten jersey, although a week late. It is a Flatlanders tradition for a rider celebrating a birthday to wear the kitten jersey, However, no one knew where the jersey actually was last week. Thank you Kathy Metzger for that photo!

              Another unofficial Speedtrap Ride is planned for next Tuesday, October 18th, at 6:00 pm(or as soon as bike shop folks can be ready). However, there is a 46% chance of PM showers with a high temperature of only 47 degrees.

              Perhaps I’ll see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder


  • 10/09/2022 6:44 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday October 11th

              The Speedtrap Ride, still one of America’s great Tuesday night rides, will again have an unofficial chapter this Tuesday, October 11th. Riders will depart Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore, Ohio, at 6:00 pm, or as soon as bike shop folks can close the store and be ready to ride. Slower riders are welcome to leave early if they choose.

              Regular Speedtrap Ride leaders may or may not be in attendance. They are not required to be present for an unofficial ride. We will once again form riding groups based on the riders that come to ride and those willing to lead.

              The weather forecast for ride time is partly cloudy skies, no chance of rain, a SSW wind of 11 mph, and a temperature in the low 70s. Sunset will be at 6:58 pm, so front and rear lights will be necessary, especially for slower riders.

              Pictured is Speedtrap Rider Jake Morrison, as he appeared, with his bike, on June 1, 2021. He is back riding strong after a painful illness. Welcome back Jake!

              As with any unofficial TAB ride, there is no sign-in. If you haven’t experienced the Speedtrap Ride, this is another opportunity to ride some quiet country roads with some great people! Just be ready to ride at 6:00 pm.

    I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder






  • 10/07/2022 4:55 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday October 4th recap

              Twenty-six hardy cyclists came to Elmore Tuesday evening for a most enjoyable unofficial Speedtrap Ride.

              Scott Lang led the Ghost Pepper Riders and reported an average of an impressive 24.8 mph! There were even some in the group who topped 25 mph!

              Bob Kayden led the Cayenne Pepper Riders. He reported 21.9 mph for a riding average.

              Doug Kilpatrick took out a combined Habanero/Jalapeno group and returned with an average of 19.8 mph.

              Dave Stoiber reported that the Sweet Pepper Riders had a great ride, even with blinding sun for the first eight miles and darkness at the end. All shared in leading the group and everyone in the group rode well. Claude Watkins from the group indicated the riding average was at least 16 mph.

              Nicole Reece, Melissa Tansey, and I rode to Woodville and back. My arm and shoulder are slowly healing and I was able to ride the nine miles without pain or discomfort. Thank you Nicole and Melissa for riding with me!

              Pictured is veteran TAB member Beth Vollmar, as she makes her first appearance at the Speedtrap Ride. Welcome Beth!

              Thank you to all who helped celebrate my 39th birthday(or at least an anniversary of it). Thank you to Kathy Metzger for the cake and some of the pictures! I am looking forward to many more years of riding and being involved in TAB.

              The Speedtrap Ride will continue next Tuesday, October 11th, with another unofficial ride at 6:00 pm, or as soon as the bike shop employees can close the store and be ready for the ride. The weather forecast calls for a mixture of clouds and sun, little chance of rain, a high temperature of 75 degrees, and a SSW wind of 9 mph. Sunset will be at 6:58 pm, so front and rear lights will be necessary. Slower riders are welcome to leave early if you choose.

     I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder


  • 10/06/2022 5:53 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    This Saturday’s Adventure ride will be a bit chilly. With a starting temp of 38 at 9:00 rising to the low 50’s by noon, and increasing WSW winds through the morning, it sounds like great fall day.

    We will depart from Secor Park at 9 am. The route will be about 45 miles with a rolling pace between 18 and 20 mph, with a final average between 16 and 18 mph. We’ll head west out to Winameg and get into the sun to warm us up and fight the winds while they’re at their weakest. Then it’s back east past the flowers, with a rest in Delta all the way back to Secor to wrap our ride. This is longsleeve jersey/leg warmer weather. So be sure to layer up and come join me at Secor Park. See you there!


  • 10/05/2022 7:32 PM | Jodie Petcoff (Administrator)

    The Meanderer's are rolling out of Whitehouse (across from Cycle Werks) this Saturday, October 8th at 9a for a 40-mile loop out to Liberty Center and back. Average overall pace for the whole loop will be between 13-15 mph. Bring hydration and a snack (but Grandma's is always an option if you'd rather purchase something) and join us for one of the three remaining official rides of the 2022 season!


  • 10/02/2022 6:53 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)


    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday October 4th

              The Speedtrap Ride, one of America’s great Tuesday night rides, continues with an unofficial ride planned for this Tuesday, October 4th, leaving Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore, Ohio, at 6:00 pm, or as soon as bike shop folks can close the store and get to the ride.

              Regular Speedtrap Ride Leaders may or may not be present. They are not required to be present for an unofficial ride. Riding groups will be formed based on those present and those willing to lead.

              The weather forecast for Tuesday at ride time calls for sunny skies, a temperature in the mid 60s, and an ENE wind of 3 mph. Sunset will be at 7:09 pm, so front and rear lights are highly recommended, especially for slower riders.

              Pictured is regular Speedtrap Rider Bryan Rose as he appeared on June 8, 2021. Bryan is back riding strong after an injury kept him on the sidelines for several weeks. Welcome back Bryan!

           There is no sign-in for an unofficial ride, but this is still an opportunity to ride some quiet country roads and meet some great people, too! I hope to see you Tuesday and ready to ride at 6:00 pm.

    Chuck Nicewonder


  • 10/02/2022 4:52 PM | Kenneth Shaw (Administrator)

    I’m exhausted from my Epic at BiketoberFest this morning. 

  • 09/29/2022 9:30 PM | Jodie Petcoff (Administrator)

    TAB's Meandering Ride starts this Saturday (Oct 1st) out of Whitehouse (across from CycleWerks) at 9am.

    NOTE: 9AM START TIME for October!!

    We thought we might head north and visit Secor Park & Oak Openings utilizing a counter-clockwise route to change things up to make it interesting. Bring hydration (yes even though it's getting colder we still need to hydrate) and a snack for our rest stop.

    This is 1 of the 4 remaining Meandering Rides of 2022. We hope you can come out to join us!!

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