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  • 06/09/2019 7:24 AM | Deleted user

    Sorry for the late notification but it just started raining here in Sylvania and it had looked like we might get it in. SBR is cancelled this morning.

  • 06/08/2019 11:49 AM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    OK TAB members.....

                                The Sunday 1:00 Getaway Ride tomorrow, June 9th, still needs a substitute ride leader(Hugh Benning is away).  So.....all of you who regular participate in that ride......you can do it! Just once!(maybe twice) that's all!!!!

               If you are good enough to go on that ride, you are good enough to be a ride leader.  Yes, there is some responsibility, but it's kind of fun, and not that bad..

              So, if you regularly participate in the Sunday 1:00 Getaway Ride, please help your fellow TAB members by being the leader just once(maybe twice). YOU CAN DO IT!

    I hope to hear from you.

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 06/06/2019 5:30 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    This Saturday’s Adventurers ride is a tour through some of the smaller villages in eastern Fulton County. We’ll head west out of Secor Park along some of the shady and more scenic roads in NE Fulton County. We’ll swing by Ai, the shortest named town in Ohio. Then it’s over to Winameg, and north to stop in Lyons for a snack break. Finally we head back east, hopefully with a tailwind, through Metamora and Berkey (not in Fulton Cty, but still a village) and back to Secor Park. There is one secret village on the ride, so keep your eyes open. (If you rode this last year, don’t tell!) Total mileage is just short of 45 miles. 

    We start at 8:00 from the Nature Ctr/Ctr for Nature Photography at Secor Park. This is a snack ride, so bring a treat for yourself. Target speed is 17ish, with an average rolling pace around 18, but we will adjust for the group. GPS route is on Ride With GPS (link below), and cue sheets will be provided. Pleasant moderate temps are forecasted, so this should be one sweet ride.


  • 06/06/2019 4:50 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    Late afternoon thundershowers never developed, leaving us with a warm but breezy Windsday. And the night didn’t disappoint. 31 riders took advantage of the beautiful night to enjoy a ride through the farm fields. Edgar’s Fast & Furious riders reported a quick 22.1. Jen’s Reasonable Fast group was so big that she had to split into two groups. Group 1 reported a 19.3, with Group 2 coming in at 18.8, a good performance over all. My Reasonable & Reliable group was small but mighty, reporting a solid 17.5. We paced ourselves well on the way out and had a 16.3 average into the wind, and even did a bit of an echelon as we headed west into the NW wind. And Marty and Hubert took our Relaxed group our for a spin at 13.7.

    Be sure to join us next week, same time same station, for another ride with a great group of riders. See you then.

  • 06/06/2019 12:13 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday June 4th recap

              The Speedtrap Ride attracted thirty-two cyclists to Elmore this past Tuesday, June 4th

    Scott Lang led the Ghost Pepper Riders and reported a riding average of 22.5 mph

              Tony Mazurek led the Habanero Riders and reported a 19.3 mph average

              Ron Berry and I were the only Jalapeno Riders at the start of the ride, but we caught up to five Habanero riders who fell off Tony’s group, and picked up one rider, Claude Watkins, who caught up to us having left the Sweet Pepper Riders. The entire group finished at 15.8mph.

              Marnie Arndt’s Sweet Pepper Riders rode 20 miles at 14.2 mph, while John Galdeen led a break-off group for 16.1 miles, at 14.8 mph.

              Although it looked like rain was imminent for most of the ride, none fell.     

    Pictured is John Cheung, whose first Speedtrap Ride was a couple of weeks ago. Also pictured are first time Speedtrap Riders Paula Radabaugh(spouse of Mark), and  John Wodarski, TAB’s best new rider for 2018.

                    Also pictured is veteran rider Scott Lang in the kitten jersey, celebrating his birthday. Scott also reported that this was his 135th Speedtrap Ride, in a span of about 6 years. George Byington,  who will be riding across the USA from San Diego to Washington DC,  is pictured wearing the jersey with the names of other veterans he’ll be riding with. He’ll arrive in DC on July 4th. Best wishes George!

                    To celebrate Scott’s birthday, Kathy Metzger provided her homemade cookies, and several riders spent some time at the Portage Inn in Elmore after the ride.

                    Congratulations to Debra Lohr, veteran Ghost Pepper Rider, who completed not one, but FOUR triathlons this past weekend, for a total of 70.3 miles(the equivalent of a half-ironman)!

                    Please join us next Tuesday, June 11th, for the next chapter of the Speedtrap Ride. We meet at Spoke Life Cycles/Elmore, and roll out at 6:30 pm. I hope to see you then.

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 06/05/2019 11:27 AM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Greetings to all,

                   Hugh Benning will be away and will not be able to lead the Sunday 1:00 Getaway Ride for the next three Sundays: June 9, 16, and 23.  Mark Willee said he WILL do it on the 23rd, and maybe on the 16th, but he definitely cannot on the 9th!

              Please help out TAB by volunteering to substitute for Hugh on just one(maybe two) Sundays.

    Thank you.

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 06/04/2019 3:51 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    PAST - Last Windsday turned out to be a great evening to ride - no rain and warm temps. But the promise of no wind didn’t hold true (8 mph form the WNW). But then again it was Windsday, what do you expect? Edgar’s F&F group had a good night at 22.3 average for his pack of 5 riders, Jen’s RF group had a quick pace at 19.8, guest leader Tom Volk had led the R&R riders to a solid 17.3, while I started out with some relaxed riders. Special thanks to Melissa Tansey and Ken Jankowski for mentoring one of our newer riders. 

    FUTURE -  First, a traffic note - westbound Sylvania Avenue is closed between McCord and King for the next 6 weeks, so use Central Ave or Brint to by-pass the mess.

    So what’s in store for tomorrow? There’s a slight chance of rain at 5:00, but otherwise it looks pretty much like last week - warm partly sunny with an 8 mph west wind, shifting from the south towards the north. Should be a great night to get together at Timberstone JHS, 9000 Sylvania Ave. We’ll see you there.


  • 06/04/2019 3:05 PM | Deleted user

    TAB's donation to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, proceeds raised from this year's Memorial Day 100k Ride, went in the mail today. You all raised $2,037 to help support severely-wounded military personnel and families of military personnel lost in service to our nation.

    Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to this worthy cause!

  • 06/04/2019 6:13 AM | Jenifer Wiles (Administrator)

    Tonight is the Old 24 Breakaway ride.  The average speed will be between 19 and 20 mph.

    We will be heading out from Cycle Werks in Whitehouse at 6:30 for a 28.5 mile loop out to Old 24 and heading north on County Road 3. Come on out and enjoy the fun.

    See you on Old 24.

  • 06/03/2019 6:34 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday June 4th

              The best Tuesday night ride out of Ottawa County, the Speedtrap Ride, will leave Spoke Life Cycles/Elmore, tomorrow, June 4th, at 6:30 pm.

              Scott Lang will lead the Ghost Pepper Riders on a 25-mile challenge. He expects to average 20 – 22 mph. Are you ready?!

              Tony Mazurek will lead the Habanero Riders over the same course. His group will likely average 18 – 20 mph.

              I will lead the Jalapeno Riders on a slightly shorter 22-mile ride. We hope to average at least 16 mph.

              Marnie Arndt will be there to lead the Sweet Pepper Riders on a distance and at a speed comfortable for those in her group.

              The weather  forecast is for a high of 79 degrees, sunny, and only a 10% chance of rain. Winds will be out of the southwest at 10  -20 mph. This should make the second half of the ride a fun time!

              As usual, several riders will likely gather after the ride at the Portage Inn in Elmore for food, drink, and good conversation.

              So, come on out to Elmore and experience something different! You’ll ride on some quiet country roads! The Speedtrap Ride is a joint venture of TAB and the Flatlanders Bike Club, so you’re likely to meet some new, but friendly, people! Sign-in begins at 6:00. We roll out at 6:30 pm! I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder

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