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  • 09/29/2019 1:04 PM | Daniel Becker

    Ride Port - Sunday Morning September 29, 2019

    In questionable weather six riders left Wildwood Preserve at 8:30A heading to Metemora and the Country Charm Café.

    Upon a dry arrival, one rider turned back for home to watch her daughter play college level soccer in the afternoon rain, and the remaining five of us stayed for breakfast. 

    We were greeted with a table already waiting for us and the comment from the Hostess about her uncertainty that she would see us today. I declared we were equally unsure ourselves about making it there.

    After a delightful meal and conversation lead by Hubert, about growing up in Missouri and the Katy Trail, we all agreed to head straight back rather that risk riding out and further away.

    That decision was the right one, as it started to drizzle within the first mile of the return trip. The wind was now blowing right at us out of the east turning the drizzle into a spray. We rode single file and managed to not get soaked. I’d call it very, very damp.

    Next week is October and the last three Breakfast rides will depart from Wildwood Preserve at 9AM, on October 6th, 20th, and 27th.

    Watch for details about the TAB BiketoberFest Event Sunday October 13th at the Beach Ridge Wheelhouse in Oak Openings.

    Bye-bye September,

  • 09/28/2019 9:19 PM | Daniel Becker

    Sunday Breakfast Ride September 29, 2019

    Departing Wildwood Preserve at 8:30AM

    Wildwood Metropark,

     5100 W. Central Ave. 

    Toledo, OH

    Here is the new and improved route for tomorrow.


  • 09/28/2019 3:47 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    Checking the weather, it looked like we could get our ride in our 8:00 and 12:00 window without rain. So at 8:37, 14 true adventurers took the chance and left the Ft. Meigs YMCA for breakfast in BG. 14 miles later, with an improvised route improvement from Tim Prand, we swarmed Kermit’s in BG for our breakfast. They were johnny-on-the-spot with our food and drinks, and in less than 45 minutes we were back on the road. We enjoyed the next 27 miles cruising southwest of BG before working our way north along Tontogany Creek and the Maumee. Then we went east to Perrysburg to call it a day at 11:45, just in time to get home for whatever game we wanted to watch. We lucked out and we stayed dry the whole trip. Special congratulations go to Terry McCutcheon for finishing the ride without his bike falling apart!

    Next week’s ride - Hubert’s 82nd Birthday Ride. 82 miles starting at 8:30 from Cyclewerks in Whitehouse. Details to follow.

  • 09/28/2019 5:41 AM | Deleted user

    The gravel ride from Morenci is cancelled. I'll reschedule this route for 10/12. Next Sunday is the SOS ride from Loudonvile

  • 09/27/2019 9:30 AM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    This Saturday we’re going take time to smell the eggs and bacon. We’ll leave from the Fort Meigs YMCA forBowling Green and ride 14 miles for breakfast at Kermit’s (and/or Everyday People Cafe in BG depending the size of the group). After some good food and conversation, we’ll need some help digesting our breakfast, so we’ll take a nice 27 mile cruise rolling along Tontogany Creek and Rt 65 and through rural Wood County back through to the Y for a total of 41.3 miles. 

    We’ll leave at 8:30 from the back parking lot of the Fort Meigs YMCA, 13415 Eckel Junction Rd, Perrysburg, OH 43551. The weather forecast is a bit mixed with clouds and partly cloudy skies, temps in the low 70’s and of course SW and WSW winds in the 6-8 mph range. It should be a nice workout.

    GPS track is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31186868

  • 09/27/2019 8:42 AM | Deleted user

    Here ye, here ye! Hubert’s Birthday Ride is October 5th! TAB’s oldest active rider turns 82 this year, so yes we are riding 82 miles. (You can do it, you are not anywhere near 82!). Things are not what they were, so we will be limiting our speed to 18 mph. We will keep the start time at 8:30 and stopping for birthday brunch near halfway. Help us celebrate, ride with Hubert!

    Saturday, October 5th

    Cyclewerks, Whitehouse OH

    8:30am start

    Image may contain: 1 person, hat and outdoor

  • 09/26/2019 12:14 PM | Deleted user

    The gravel gathering this Saturday morning will be in Morenci, MI at 8am. Get ready to ride a half gravel, half road century with planned stops about every 20 miles. The forecast is calling for isolated thunderstorms. I'll keep an eye on the weather and will announce cancellation early on Saturday morning if necessary.

    Date: 09/28/2019

    Ride: Morenci Gravel Century

    Distance: 100 miles

    Start location: Wakefield Park, 555 W Main St, Morenci, MI 49256

    Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29029625

  • 09/26/2019 8:39 AM | Deleted user

    The Board is scheduled to reconvene on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 pm at the Way Public Library in Perrysburg to resume its monthly meetings through the fall and winter seasons. Members are welcome to attend.

    -Ron Schieb

  • 09/25/2019 8:07 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday September 24th recap

              The final official Speedtrap Ride of the season drew thirty cyclists to Elmore yesterday, Tuesday, September 24th, for a great ride.

              The weather was almost perfect, with temperatures in the 70s. There was a slight headwind on the first leg of the ride, but not much really to be too concerned about.

              Scott Lang led the Ghost Pepper Riders and reported a riding average of 22.4 mph

              Dave Stover, substituting for Bob Kayden, rode the only tandem on the ride, with Jana Loy, and led the Cayenne Pepper Riders with a 20.5 mph average.

              Tony Mazurek led the Habanero Riders and reported 19.8 mph

              I rode out with two other Jalapeno Riders, Claude Watkins and Ben Durant. We stayed pretty much together . My Garmin said 16.3 mph when we arrived back in Elmore.

              John Galdeen, substituting for Marnie, led some Sweet Pepper Riders to a 15.8 mph average.

              Marnie Arndt was running late, but it all worked out for her as she rode with Dan Waggoner, who rode in from Fremont.

              New to the Speedtrap Ride this week was Daniel Leone, who is pictured. He rode in the Ghost Pepper Rider group. Welcome Daniel!

              Some riders did enjoy food, drink, and good conversation after the ride at the Portage Inn in Elmore.

              Thank you to all the ride leaders, and substitutes, and riders, who made the riding season a great one!  Although the official rides are over for the 2019 season, that doesn’t mean we can’t ride some unofficial rides. For those who would like, there will be an unofficial Speedtrap Ride next Tuesday, October 1st, at 6:00 pm. I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 09/25/2019 6:46 PM | Deleted user

    An urgent call to action from WeAreTraffic:

    "H.B. 288 threatens the ability of future generations to improve and expand trail systems by hindering the government's ability to assemble the property needed to create safe and continuous trails. 

    H.B. 288 singles out trail authority and would continue to allow the government to seize property for industrial uses, highways, and other uses - but wouldn't allow so much as an easement for a natural trail to be aquired in the same way.

    Tell your representative that you support preserving the authority that has allowed Ohio to create many safe recreational trails that benefit communities and people of all ages. We Are Traffic and the Ohio Bicycle Federation worked with the League of American Bicyclists to provide a quick and easy way to write to your representative."

    Reference Documents:

    OHIO HB288.pdf


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