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  • 09/26/2019 8:39 AM | Deleted user

    The Board is scheduled to reconvene on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 pm at the Way Public Library in Perrysburg to resume its monthly meetings through the fall and winter seasons. Members are welcome to attend.

    -Ron Schieb

  • 09/25/2019 8:07 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday September 24th recap

              The final official Speedtrap Ride of the season drew thirty cyclists to Elmore yesterday, Tuesday, September 24th, for a great ride.

              The weather was almost perfect, with temperatures in the 70s. There was a slight headwind on the first leg of the ride, but not much really to be too concerned about.

              Scott Lang led the Ghost Pepper Riders and reported a riding average of 22.4 mph

              Dave Stover, substituting for Bob Kayden, rode the only tandem on the ride, with Jana Loy, and led the Cayenne Pepper Riders with a 20.5 mph average.

              Tony Mazurek led the Habanero Riders and reported 19.8 mph

              I rode out with two other Jalapeno Riders, Claude Watkins and Ben Durant. We stayed pretty much together . My Garmin said 16.3 mph when we arrived back in Elmore.

              John Galdeen, substituting for Marnie, led some Sweet Pepper Riders to a 15.8 mph average.

              Marnie Arndt was running late, but it all worked out for her as she rode with Dan Waggoner, who rode in from Fremont.

              New to the Speedtrap Ride this week was Daniel Leone, who is pictured. He rode in the Ghost Pepper Rider group. Welcome Daniel!

              Some riders did enjoy food, drink, and good conversation after the ride at the Portage Inn in Elmore.

              Thank you to all the ride leaders, and substitutes, and riders, who made the riding season a great one!  Although the official rides are over for the 2019 season, that doesn’t mean we can’t ride some unofficial rides. For those who would like, there will be an unofficial Speedtrap Ride next Tuesday, October 1st, at 6:00 pm. I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 09/25/2019 6:46 PM | Deleted user

    An urgent call to action from WeAreTraffic:

    "H.B. 288 threatens the ability of future generations to improve and expand trail systems by hindering the government's ability to assemble the property needed to create safe and continuous trails. 

    H.B. 288 singles out trail authority and would continue to allow the government to seize property for industrial uses, highways, and other uses - but wouldn't allow so much as an easement for a natural trail to be aquired in the same way.

    Tell your representative that you support preserving the authority that has allowed Ohio to create many safe recreational trails that benefit communities and people of all ages. We Are Traffic and the Ohio Bicycle Federation worked with the League of American Bicyclists to provide a quick and easy way to write to your representative."

    Reference Documents:

    OHIO HB288.pdf


  • 09/24/2019 7:56 PM | Deleted user

    What a great weekend for riding! This was a doubleheader gravel weekend for us, 67 miles from Hell (Michigan) on Saturday and 62 windy Lake Erie Fall Ride miles on Sunday.

    On Saturday, Justin brought out the Cannondale van loaded with the new Topstone Carbon demos. Man, those bikes are fast. Some rain moved through the area, missing us, but leaving some peanut buttery roads as we neared the finish. Hell was a very busy place when we got there, and it was hot.

    Sunday was the Lake Erie Fall Ride. We started out with a great group of riders of all levels, rolling along at a quick 17mph for the first half. The wind took its toll on the back of the pack, so we split into two groups after the lunch stop in Luna Pier. Everyone worked their butts off to get back for the Pavlov's Brewing beer tent. Thanks to Monroe Cycling Club for putting on a great event!

    More gravel events are lined up, right up to Winter Warrior in November. On 9/28, we ride a gravel century from Morenci, MI, weather permitting. The forecast is rough right now. On 10/6 (Sunday), we travel to Loudonville for a Summer of Stupid ride that is not for the faint of heart: 70 odd miles and 7000 feet of climbing on sometimes firm, sometimes loose, but always steep gravel roads.

    Hope to see you out there.


    Photos from the Hell Gravel Grovel: https://photos.app.goo.gl/r3bZX3H2YET8LZpNA

    Photos from the Lake Erie Fall Ride: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Tbv8XXqFwbWcT37dA

  • 09/24/2019 6:43 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    Our last Windsday of the season is here and it looks like it’s going out in Windsday style. Winds of 10 mph out of the WSW at 6:00, dropping to 5 mph by 8:00, with temps in the low 70’s. Tough going out at least some help on the way back. Remember we’ll meet at Central Trail for our final official cruise out through the fields. Edgar, Jen and I hope you’ll all join us, leaving at 6:00. And be sure to bring lights!!

  • 09/24/2019 10:48 AM | Deleted user

    Robert Bard will be conducting a MTB clinic at The Wheelhouse in October for those wanting to hone their skills.

    An attempt to keep the Winter Warriors safer and faster.

    TAB will offer a standardized mtb clinic with 30+ years of curriculum development by one of its certified instructors.

    For Who? Anyone who wants to IMPROVE.

    All crashes are traced to a breakdown of the fundamentals. You will drill methods to make the fundamentals part of your regular rides. If you've never taken a fundamentals course you will benefit from this course regardless of your experience.

    Message in advance so the instructor can meet your needs.

    Class is limited to 7 people

    5:30 check-in and bike checks start
    6-7:30 Fundamentals Class starts
    7:30-8:00 Questions, demo future topics
    8:00 Winter Warrior meeting at the Wheelhouse.
    Cost: $50

    Bad date? Another clinic available Oct 6 
    or contact Bob for special clinic.

  • 09/24/2019 10:00 AM | Deleted user


    Sunday, October 13th at the Beach Ridge Wheelhouse in Oak Openings

    TAB is working to schedule multiple rides out of The Wheelhouse!

    Bike Shops and Manufacturers will be on-site with demos, etc!

  • 09/23/2019 6:53 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday, September 24th

              The Speedtrap Ride, Ottawa County’s best Tuesday night ride, will make its final official run of the 2019 season tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24th. All cyclists will gather at Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore and roll out at 6:10 pm.

              Scott Lang will lead the Ghost Pepper Riders on a 25-mile ride. If you ride in his group, expect to average 22+ mph. Are you ready for the challenge?

              A substitute ride leader is needed for the Cayenne Pepper Riders, since the Kaydens have left for their six-month trip. Will you volunteer? Riding average for the group is 20 to 22 mph.

              Tony Mazurek will lead the Habanero Riders. His group will likely average 18 to 20 mph.

              I will lead the Jalapeno Riders over a slightly shorter 22-mile course. We expect to average 16 to 17 mph.

              Marnie Arndt will lead the Sweet Pepper Riders over a distance and at a speed comfortable for those in her group.

              The weather is predicted to be very favorable, mostly sunny,  with a high temperature of 77 degrees, Winds will be WSW at 10 to 15 mph, but this should make the return-to-Elmore portion of the ride fun.

              After the ride, some riders may gather at the Portage Inn in Elmore for food, drink, and good conversation.

              Here is your last chance to ride some quiet country roads with some  excellent riders who happen to be super-nice people, too. The Speedtrap Ride is a TAB and a Flatlanders ride, a joint venture of the two clubs….not a common occurrence. Let’s close out the season with a great ride. Sign-in begins at 5:40 pm and we ride at 6:10. I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 09/21/2019 1:54 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    With two major long rides on tap for tomorrow, I was surprised and pleased to have 16 riders turn out for 50 miles of camaraderie and a ride with no other point than to ride. We all seemed to enjoy the warmth and scenery. I think this must be the 5th of 6th time I’ve taken a group past the CR 8-1 flowers. But if you have to go north, you may as well enjoy them! What was really nice is we had long exposed stretches of straight eastbound roads with a west wind at our backs. The miles seemed to fly by. We arrived back at Keener Park before noon having covered 51 miles with 2 rest stops at a relaxed 17.5 mph.

    Next week - Meet me at the Perrysburg Y at 8:30 and we’ll head down to Bowling Green for breakfast at Kermit’s. Meanwhile have a great week!

  • 09/19/2019 9:24 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

    Where are we going this weekend? We’re just going to wander the countryside to the west and hang out with friends. We’ll start from Keener Park on Kenner Rd., and cruise west to Delta for a brief stop.Then it’s northwest through those nice wooded area out there before heading back east to Secor Park for another break. Then it’s south through the Inner Passage east of the airport back to Keener. Mileage is 51.1, pace will be 17-18. We’ll leave by 8:30 and hope to be back by 12:30 to get on with our day. GPS track is :


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