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  • 05/30/2022 8:50 PM | Jenifer Wiles (Administrator)

    Come join me Tuesday, May 31st for a ride out Old 24. We will depart CycleWerks in Whitehouse at 6:30 pm. The route is 28.5 miles with an average between 19-21 mph. 

    Old 24 Route

  • 05/30/2022 6:02 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday May 31st

                The Speedtrap Ride, one of America’s great Tuesday night rides, will roll out once again tomorrow, May 31st, from Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore, Ohio, at 6:30 pm. At ride time the temperature will be 90 degrees, with no rain, but a southwest wind of 13 – 15 mph, diminishing as the evening progresses/

              Scott Lang will lead the Ghost Pepper Riders and expects his group to average 22+ mph.  Bob Kayden will take his Cayenne Pepper Riders out over the same 25-mile course and will likely average slightly less, 21+ mph. Doug Kilpatrick and his Habanero riders are likely to average 20+ mph. Todd Pollock will lead the Jalapeno Riders out over the same course and average 16 – 19 mph. I will take out anyone who would like to ride a more casual ride on a slightly shorter 22-mile course.

              The southwest wind should make the return-to-Elmore portion of the ride most enjoyable. Riding averages may be higher than normal because of it. Also because of the warm weather, several riders may gather after the ride in front of the bike shop for drink and good conversation.

              Pictured are regular Speedtrap riders Doug and Kathy Metzger as they appeared on June 26, 2018.

    Sign-in for the ride begins at 6:00 in front of the bike shop, and we roll out at 6:30 pm. I hope to see you then.

    Chuck Nicewonder

  • 05/30/2022 4:15 PM | Douglass Kilpatrick (Administrator)

    What a great day for a ride!! The Memorial 100 brought out 76 riders and we raised $876 for HOOVES!! I'm going to accept donations this week so we can get the $170 to make it an even $1000!!! Let me know if you want to donate!!

  • 05/27/2022 4:32 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

    Speedtrap Ride Tuesday May 24th recap

              Thirty riders came to Elmore for the Speedtrap Ride this past Tuesday, May 24th. The temperature was mild, in the upper 60s, and there was a ENE wind of 10+ mph. The wind direction caused riders to experience unusually high speeds on the way out of Elmore, and an abrupt reduction in speed for the return to Elmore. However, in spite of less than ideal conditions, most had a great ride.

              Scott Lang  reported a riding average of 22.1 mph for his Ghost Pepper Riders. Bob Kayden and his Cayenne Pepper Riders rode to a 20.9 mph average. Doug Kilpatrick reported 20.8 mph for his Habanero Riders. Todd Pollock and his Jalapeno Riders rode to a 17.9 mph average. Adam Silbaugh from the Sweet Pepper Riders said that he and his fellow Sweet Pepper Riders picked up the speed for the last 2 miles of the ride to keep the average at 15.0 mph.

              Todd Pollock reported that a motorist drove dangerously close to some Jalapeno Riders. If anyone ever experiences a similar situation, stop riding, get the license number if you can, call 911 immediately, and remain at the spot until law enforcement arrives. Remaining at the scene will demonstrate the seriousness of the incident.

              Pictured is a group of Jalapeno Riders. Photo furnished by Todd Pollock. Also pictured is Ron Berry, mechanic extraordinaire(so I’m told) from Spoke Life Cycles Fremont. Ron is definitely not new to the Speedtrap Ride. However, he made his first appearance last week in almost three years! Welcome back Ron! Also pictured is Speedtrap Resident Homeless Rider. [Could that be Tony Mazurek? ]Photo provided by Joe Peltier.

              Please join us next Tuesday, May 31st, in Elmore, as the Speedtrap Ride rolls out once again. Sunny skies, a SW wind, and a high temperature of 92 degrees should make for a great ride. Sign-in begins at 6:00 in front of the bike shop, and we roll out at 6:30 pm. I hope to see you then!

    Chuck Nicewonder

    PS Tandem Night coming June 7th.

  • 05/27/2022 9:08 AM | Douglass Kilpatrick (Administrator)

    This Saturdays adventure ride is in partnership with HOOVES and Spokelife Cycles.  We depart from the HOOVES facility at 4055 Wilkins Rd, Swanton, OH (we park in the far back) at 8 am for a 42 mile ride.  The pace will be between 18 and 20 mph rolling and 16 and 18 mph final average.

    Why are we starting here?  HOOVES is a non profit organization that works to provide therapy to veterans in need.  They do this thru donations and fundraising.  This Saturday they are having a RUCK/Cycle for the fallen fund raising event and we want to support them.  You can register to attend the full event at https://hooves.networkforgood.com/events/37702-ruck-cycle-for-the-fallen-10-mile-cycle-and-open-house.  The cost is $22 for the full event, but they have included a special TAB price of $10 for the ride.  Spokelife has generously volunteered to cover the cost for anyone who wants to ride.  SO come ride, and if you can sign up and register or just bring a cash donation. 

  • 05/26/2022 4:42 PM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)
    Mighty Cyclists, Local weather from ABC, CBS, Accuweather and The Weather Channel indicate that the rain will be moving out of the area at around 1830. Therefore, we will get our miles in tonight. Safety will be paramount as the roads will be wet at the start. Extra distance for breaking! Stay off the painted lines! Stay on the right side of the yellow lines. We will have fun and we will be safe. Regards, Joe "El Capitan" Peltier
  • 05/26/2022 10:03 AM | Ronnie Wells

    Checking to see if there is any interest in riding Monday evening at 6:30 out of Whitehouse. Please reply if you would be interested.

  • 05/26/2022 8:34 AM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

    Mighty Cyclists of the Thursday 5'fer,

    The weather does not look promising for our scheduled ride this evening, 5/26. I will monitor and make the final call at 17:00.

    If we cancel, the notice will be posted on the TAB website (https://www.toledoareabicyclists.org), The TAB FB page, and the NW Ohio Bicycling Enthusiasts FB page.

    Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.


    Joe "El Capitan" Peltier

  • 05/25/2022 8:16 PM | Jodie Petcoff (Administrator)

    The Meandering Ride will depart Whitehouse again this coming Saturday at 8a! We are going to roll up and out to MacQueen's Oarchard for our rest stop (bring a snack or some $ to purchase something there). It's also the last Saturday in May, so for those of you who might want to grab a bite post ride let us know!! Pace is adjusted for the abilities of the group, but you could expect an average of 13-15mph. Roger and I hope to see you out there!!

  • 05/25/2022 9:58 AM | Anonymous

    It will be held at the Ernest Brew works on 4342 S Detroit Ave in Toledo Oh.


    Update to 3 main groups/priorities

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