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Tab 5'fer 7/14 Report and the 7/21 Ride

07/20/2022 11:00 PM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

70 mighty cyclists showed up for another great night of cycling on 7/14.  All were in splendid moods and were ready to Ride. 

Doug Kilpatrick spoke about the need for volunteers and riders for the upcoming MARR.  And we still need those volunteers and riders.  I bet he and I will be speaking to this topic Thursday.

All riders returned safely and no significant issues were reported. 

7/14 Reported Speeds: 

Hot 1:            22.6

Hot 2:            22.8

Extra Spicy:  21.4

Spicy Plus:    19.1

Spicy:             16.9

GLR:               14.1 on a 22.75 mile route


The upcoming ride for Thursday, 7/21 is shaping up to be another great opportunity to ride.  It will be a warm one so make sure you bring plenty of hydration materials.  Temperature at ride time should be 88, winds will be out of the west @14 mph gusting to 21!  We will earn our post ride beverages on the outbound leg of the ride.  Be advised, it looks like there could be some rain moving in towards the end of the ride.  Whatever happens, we'll make it a great ride. 

Rides, average speeds and ride leaders are listed below: 

Group 1 (Hot1) - Avg: 20-23+mph, 26 mi:    Phil Carroll

Group 2 (Hot2) - Avg: Less hot than Hot1 26 mi:   Tim Book

Group 3 (Xtra Spicy) - Avg: 19-21 mph, 26 mi:  Doug Kilpatrick

Group 4 (Spicy Plus) - Avg: 18-19.5 mph, 26 mi:  We need a Leader

Group 5 (Spicy) - Avg: 16-18 mph, 24 mi:  Jodie Petcoff

Group 6 (GLR) - Avg: 14-16 mph, 20 mi:  John Galdeen 

On line registration should be working again. If not, let me know.  The link is below. 



I look forward to seeing everyone.  Let's make this another great ride.




Joe "El Capitan" Peltier


  • 07/21/2022 9:20 AM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)
    FYI - Online registration had been closed, it is now open again.
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