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Gravel from the Rapp's recap

09/16/2019 1:28 PM | Deleted user

Gravel from the Rapp's featured one of my favorite things: a closed road. It may not be for everyone, but I love finding these little adventures and unknowns when out on a ride. This one was particularly overgrown, so initially we passed it. But I turned around to see if it was at all passable. To my surprise, the bridge was there and the decking was in decent shape.

During the rest of the ride, we encountered hills, dogs, wind, and serene, beautiful landscape. Afterwards, our good friend Chris Crandall stopped up to pay a visit. His recovery is going well and it was awesome to hang out. Edgar and I are planning on doing another ride from his cottage. There are still a lot of roads left to explore from there.

Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/GSMAxM9xJ5GR8VLg6

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