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Sightseeing the Fulton Villages

06/09/2019 4:57 PM | Daniel Riley (Administrator)

Saturday was a great day for a ride, so 17 riders signed in for our Adventurer ride to the Villages of Fulton County. Phil forgot his shoes (been there Phil!) and left, but Rick Metcalf arrived as we took off on our journey to bring us back to full strength. Wendy and company broke off on their own, as we rode the gently rolling roads by Ai and on to Winameg , with Rick leaving us after Ai. We had a great tail wind for the first part of the trip, but as we turned north towards Winameg we started to encounter our evil enemy - the wind! Fortunately had fairly good windbreaks along the way to Lyons to help offset the effects. Other than couple of flats, we held together well to reach our break at Lyons. 

From Lyons, we headed straight east into the 12 mph winds, without a whole lot of protection. The group did fantastically well, never averaging below 14 mph. We made an unexpected detour for a closed road, riding over 15 miles through Metatmora and into the wind before jogging south back towards Secor Park. Overall pace - 16.7, an outstanding achievement with that wind! Best part - everyone remained positive and reported a great ride. An excellent ride for sure!

Next Saturday, join Deb for at Secor Park, 8:00 for another Adventurer Ride. Where are we going? That’s a secret only Deb knows! So be prepared - bring a snack and breakfast money and come enjoy the surprise.

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