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Speedtrap Ride Tuesday June 4th recap

06/06/2024 12:12 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

Speedtrap Ride Tuesday June 4th recap

          Thirty-five hardy cyclists came to Elmore Tuesday evening for the Speedtrap Ride to ride in warm temperatures and no rain! However, there was a mild southeast wind, and most riders said it was a factor in their riding.

          Dan Willis, substituting for Scott Lang, led the Ghost Pepper Riders and returned with a 23.2 mph average.

          Doug Metzger filled in for John Del Toro and led the Cayenne P:epper Riders to a 21.1 mph average.

          David St. Louis, filling in for Ken South, took out the Habanero Riders. No report from David as his Garmin wasn’t working.

          Ken Shaw led a group of Jalapeno Riders on a 23-mile course. Jill Simpson from that group reported an average of 15.9 mph

          Claude Watkins indicated an average of 13 mph for the few Sweet Pepper Riders.

          There were two riders new to the Speedtrap Ride this week. Kendall Hendrickson, who hails from North Carolina, is pictured with grandparents Bob and Becky Kayden. She rode down the North Coast Inland Trail and back with Becky and said, “It was fun!” Also pictured is Alyce Zuccarell with her next-door neighbor, Ken South. Ken accompanied Alyce on her first ride in the Jalapeno group. Welcome Kendall and Alyce to the Speedtrap Ride.

          Todd Pollock furnished a photo of some Speedtrap Riders on the road. Thank you, Todd!

          After the ride, many gathered in front of the bike shop for drink and good conversation, and to welcome Scott Lang’s appearance after his birthday celebration at Cedar Point!

          Please join us for the next edition of the Speedtrap Ride, next Tuesday, June 11th. The long-range weather forecast calls for a high temperature of 75 degrees, partly cloudy skies, and less than a 10% chance of rain. A mild east wind is predicted, however. I hope to see you then!

Chuck Nicewonder


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