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Thank you for your support of The Right Direction's "Bikes for Kids" Initiative

10/02/2023 9:46 AM | David Barret (Administrator)

Hey everyone, wanted to follow-up with everyone on TAB’s support of The Right Direction’s “Bikes for Kids” initiative. As you’re aware, we’ve been raising money for two kids that TAB has sponsored. TAB sent in $700, (recall, in years past, cost of bikes were around $350 apiece), to cover two kids this year. However, due to rising costs, those bikes are now around $600 apiece. So we began a campaign with about a week to go before BikeToberFest to raise an additional $500 to cover the remaining balance.

As of SAT 9/30/23, due to YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT, we raised an additional $755.00! THANK YOU ALL! Don told me these boys will be getting some great bikes AND gear.

Unfortunately, the bikes were NOT ready for a presentation at BikeToberFest; however, Don anticipates having those ready soon. Once they are, he will coordinate with the TAB Executive Board, and we will do a presentation, most likely, at either the bike shop, OR… possibly at the main campus where the boys practice. Members of the Board will be present, and… we’d like some members from TAB to be there as well. I’ll try to put out some advance notice if anyone is interested in attending.

Again everyone, THANK YOU. We want people to know that TAB supports the local community, and your support with this initiative proves that.

On Behalf of the TAB Executive Board,

David Barret
(419) 351-2968/barretdj@aol.com

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