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8/10 Ride Report and the 8/17 Ride

08/17/2023 10:42 AM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

Mighty Cyclists,

Reported results for Thursday 8/10/2023

Group 1 (Hot1) - Came in with a 24.2 

Group 2 (Hot2) -  Tim reported an average of 24.1 - Nice!

Group 3 (Xtra Spicy) - 21.5 average deduced from Strava

Group 4 (Bold Picante) -  Kris led the group and came in with a 19.9 average

Group 5/6 (Spicy Plus) - Spicy and Spicy plus combined for a great ride

Group 7 (GLR) - John Galdeen reported a 14 average for his band of merry riders.


The weather for tonight's ride looks "iffy."  We have a cold front fast approaching that will bring the potential for rain and storms.  I'll be watching the weather apps and make a call at 1700.

The days are getting shorter.  Lights are strongly recommended.  

Tonight's rides and ride leaders:

Group 1 (Hot1) - Avg: 20-24+ mph, 26 mi:    Ben Groves

Group 2 (Hot2) - Avg: Less than Hot1 26 mi:   Tim Eckel

Group 3 (Xtra Spicy/Hot 3) - Avg: 19-21+ mph, 26 mi:  Kris Jensen

Group 4 (Bold Picante) - Avg: 19-21 mph, 26 mi: Traci Bash

Group 5 (Spicy Plus) - Avg: 18-19.5 mph, 26 mi:  Keith

Group 6 (Spicy) - Avg: 16-18 mph, 24 mi:  Dave/Mark

Group 7 (GLR) - Avg: 14-16 mph, 20 mi:  John Galdeen

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