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Speedtrap Ride Tuesday August 1st recap part 1

08/03/2023 10:51 AM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

Speedtrap Ride Tuesday August 1st recap part 1

          The Speedtrap Ride brought thirty-six hardy cyclists to Elmore Tuesday for a great evening of cycling.

          The Ghost Pepper Riders and Cayenne Pepper Riders joined to form one group, Ride leader Dave Stover, substituting for Bob Kayden, reported an average of 22.6 mph. Thank you Dave for leading.

          The Habaneros, led by Ken South, reported an impressive 22.5 mph, as reported by Tony Mazurek.

          David Barret(still substituting for Todd Pollock) led thirteen Jalapeno Riders to an 18.1 mph average.       Thank you David!      

          There was a large group of Sweet Pepper Riders. Claude Watkins from that group reported an average of 16.6 mph.

          Several riders gathered after the ride in front of the bike shop for food, drink, and good conversation.

          There were four riders new to the Speedtrap Ride this week: Dave Casperson(blue jersey; Nick Kaiser(red and black jersey), Amanda Ballard, and ?(arrows on jersey). All are pictured. Welcome all to the Speedtrap Ride.

          The long-range forecast for next Tuesday calls for a high temperature of 82 degrees, partly cloudy skies, a west wind of 12 mph, and a 24% chance of precipitation(that’s a 76% probability of no precipitation). We’ll ride at 6:30 pm from Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore. I hope to see you then!

Chuck Nicewonder


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