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Tab 5'fer 7/21 Report and the 7/28 Ride

07/27/2022 1:14 PM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

51 mighty cyclists signed in for another great night of cycling on 7/21.  All were in splendid moods and were ready to ride and sweat. 

All riders returned safely with just a couple issues reported.  We had a rider go down (not serious, just scary) and another rider crossing the center line after a pull.  We don’t own the road, so keep the pacelines tight and stay on the right side of the yellow lines. 

Bottom line, let's be safe out there. 

7/21 Reported Speeds: 

Hot 1:            24.0 - "Hot Ben and Chris"

Hot 2:            22.8

Extra Spicy:  20.7

Spicy Plus:    18.6

Spicy:             16.2

GLR:               16.2  - John Galdeen had no GLR riders so he tagged along with the Spicy Group


Thursday's Ride on 7/28 looks to be a bit challenging.  Winds will be out of the WSW at 13mph with gusts to 20mph.  Probability of rain is 40% with mostly cloudy skies and "a thunderstorm in parts of the area" according to Accuweather.  

I'll be watching the weather closely on Thursday and will make a call between 4:30 -5pm.  IF, we have to cancel, notices will be posted on the following sites in this order: 

  1. TAB official website:  https://www.toledoareabicyclists.org/
  2. TAB Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Toledo-Area-Bicyclists-103586757898770
  3. NW Ohio Bicycling Enthusiasts:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/48899481811
  4. TAB Members Only Discussion Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/354608248864243/?notif_id=1652952070152285&notif_t=group_r2j_approved&ref=notif
  5. Email 

It is also a good time to start thinking about equipping your bike with lights if you have not done so already.  The days are, unfortunately, getting shorter and we want to be as visible as possible at the end of our rides as we are starting to conclude our rides at dusk. 

It's always a good time to double check your gear.  Make sure that you have a spare tube and the accessories to change a flat.  

Rides, average speeds and ride leaders are listed below: 

Group 1 (Hot1) - Avg: 20-23+mph, 26 mi:    Phil Carroll

Group 2 (Hot2) - Avg: Less hot than Hot1 26 mi:   Tim Eckel

Group 3 (Xtra Spicy) - Avg: 19-21 mph, 26 mi:  Tim Prand

Group 4 (Spicy Plus) - Avg: 18-19.5 mph, 26 mi:  We need a Leader

Group 5 (Spicy) - Avg: 16-18 mph, 24 mi:  Mark Maxwell

Group 6 (GLR) - Avg: 14-16 mph, 20 mi:  John Galdeen 

On line registration should be working again. If not, let me know.  The link is below. 


I look forward to seeing everyone.  Let's make this another great ride. 


Joe "El Capitan" Peltier

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