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Speedtrap Ride Tuesday July 26th

07/25/2022 11:14 AM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

Speedtrap Ride Tuesday July 26th

          Hardy Cyclists:

          The Speedtrap Ride will hold its next chapter tomorrow, Tuesday, July 26th.

All cyclists will ride out from Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore, Ohio, at 6:30 pm.

          The Ghost Pepper Riders will ride out with perennial Speedtrap leader and Ironman Triathlon veteran Scott Lang! His group will likely average 22 – 23+ mph. Are you up to the challenge!

          Bob Kayden, also an all around athlete(running, water skiing) will lead the Cayenne Pepper Riders at 21+ mph.     

          Doug Kilpatrick will take out his Habanero Riders at 20+ mph.

          Joe Peltier(TAB 5fer Ride “El Capitan”) will be the guest and substitute leader for the Jalapeno Riders at 16 – 19 mph.

          Those who would like to ride at a more casual pace will form the Sweet Pepper Riders and ride a slightly shorter 22-mile course.

          The weather should be very favorable for riding: a temperature in the upper 70s, partly cloudy skies, and a SSW wind of only 5 mph.

          The Speedtrap Ride is both a Flatlanders and a TAB ride. It’s a nice opportunity to ride with cyclists from another group. There will likely be a gathering of cyclists after the ride for drink and good conversation. So come out to Elmore and be part of the fun. Sign-in begins at 6:00 in front of the bike shop.

I hope to see you then!

Chuck Nicewonder

Pictured is regular Speedtrap Rider Martn Extejt, as he appeared on

September 26, 2017.

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