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06-16-2022 Ride Report and 6/23 Ride News

06/21/2022 4:04 PM | Joseph Peltier (Administrator)

Mighty Cyclists, 

Thank you Chuck for Covering 

53 riders braved the heat, wind and humidity.  Bully for those mighty cyclists! 

Averages reported are as follows; 

Hot 1:  A blistering 25mph

Hot 2: 22.0

Extra Spicy: 20.7

Spicy Plus: 18.3

Spicy:  No reported Speed

GLR: 14.0 

Chuck Reported the following: 

I looked for some interesting fact about the ride to report to you. Ben Jakeway rode his first 5fer ride and only his 2nd time on a bike(so I was told). He has a Kent Bike[from some store---- Walmart???)He started out in the GLR group but moved up to Spicy during the ride. However, I guess he's not new to exercise(weights, running).   Good to have you aboard Ben!

Thank you again Chuck for stepping up to the plate. 

Now, the 6/23 ride is looking like the weather gods will be smiling on us.  82 is the forecasted high with a 0% chance of rain.  Winds will be NNE @5mph gusting to 12mph.  In other words, calm.  Just what we like to see. 

Note that the intersection of Monclova and Weckerly is now under construction.  We are reviewing alternate routes and will post the Ride With GPS route Wednesday evening. 

Rides, average speeds and ride leaders: 

Group 1 (Hot1) - Avg: 20-24+ mph, 26 mi:    Phil Carroll

Group 2 (Hot2) - Avg: Less hot than Hot1 26 mi:   Tim Eckel

Group 3 (Xtra Spicy) - Avg: 19-21 mph, 26 mi:  Doug Kilpatrick

Group 4 (Spicy Plus) - Avg: 18-19.5 mph, 26 mi:  ???

Group 5 (Spicy) - Avg: 16-18 mph, 24 mi:  Jodie Petcoff

Group 6 (GLR) - Avg: 14-16 mph, 20 mi:  John Galdeen 

For your convenience, on line registration for our Thursday rides will now be available.  Follow this link: 


Avoid the clipboard 


Joe "El Capitan" Peltier

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