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Speedtrap Ride Tuesday August 31st

08/29/2021 6:56 PM | Chuck Nicewonder (Administrator)

Speedtrap Ride Tuesday August 31st

          One of America’s great Tuesday night rides, the Speedtrap Ride, will roll out once again this coming Tuesday, August 31st, from Spoke Life Cycles in Elmore at 6:30 pm. The weather looks to be favorable for riding: temperature in the upper 70s, NE winds at 7 mph, and only a 15% chance of precipitation.

          Scott Lang will lead the Ghost Pepper Riders, and will likely average 23+ mph. Bob Kayden will take out his Cayenne Pepper Riders at 22+ mph. Doug Kilpatrick will lead the Habanero Riders at 20 – 21 mph. Todd Pollock and his Jalapeno Riders will average anywhere from 17 – 19 mph. I will ride with the Sweet Pepper Riders, averaging around 16 mph.

          The Speedtrap Ride is a great opportunity to ride some of the quietest country roads of all the TAB rides. The Ride is also a joint venture of TAB and the Flatlanders, so it’s a great opportunity to meet some great new people. Sign-in begins at 6:00 in front of the bike shop. I hope to see you then!

Chuck Nicewonder

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