The banquet is in the books and we now look ahead to 2020. Our new officers have been seated and 2019 awards are now sitting on members' deserving mantles. We had a good turnout with a great meal and conversation to go along with the festivities!
Thanks also to our local shops for demos, etc!
2019 Club Awards went to the following individuals:
High Mileage Award (9001 miles) - Alan Frishman
Most Improved Rider - Lindsay Rausch
Volunteers of the Year - Mark & Nancy Beeman
Hubert J Backes Rider of the Year - Dan Riley
A special President's Award was presented by friend and member Alan Mikesell to Rick Rump for his years of service and dedication to the club.
Congratulations to all the recipients and good luck to our newest board members as they take on exciting new challenges for 2020!