Speedtrap Ride Tuesday September 14th recap
The best Tuesday night ride along the Portage River, the Speedtrap Ride, brought thirty-four cyclists to Elmore last night for another windy ride. Actually the first portion of the ride was the only part with a headwind. Most of the return trip to Elmore came with a nice tailwind.
Scott Lang with his Ghost Pepper Riders and Bob Kayden with his Cayenne Pepper Riders rode out as one group. However, the two groups split with Scott reporting an average of 22.9 mph and Bob reported 22.1 mph.
The Habaneros and Jalapeno Riders also rode out together, but eventually split. Doug Kilpatrick reported a 21.0 mph average for his Habaneros. Todd Pollock and Candy Langoria were the only two Jalapenos. Todd reported 18.8 mph for the both of them. Todd Pollock provided the picture of the Habaneros and Jalapenos from the rear. Also pictured is Todd Pollock himself, as he was seen on October 15, 2019.
There were only three of us Sweet Pepper Riders, We rode very well together except against the headwind(Well, I was the one who had trouble with the headwind). My garmin indicated 14.63 mph.
Please join us next Tuesday, September 21st, for the next chapter of the Speedtrap Ride. Ride time will be 6:08 pm to give the Spoke Life employees a few minutes to get to the ride. The long range forecast is for a high of 86, with only a 20% chance of precipitation, and southerly winds at 10 – 15 mph(slightly better than we have experienced the last two weeks): a perfect night to ride. After the ride, many will be heading to DeStazios Bistro in downtown Elmore. The restaurant is staying open later than usual just for Speedtrap Riders. Sign-in begins in front of the bike shop at 5:30 pm. I hope to see you then!
Chuck Nicewonder